Thursday, December 26, 2019

9 consejos a turistas para comprar vivienda en EEUU

Si està ¡ pensando en  comprar una vivienda en Estados Unidos pero le preocupa porque tiene estatus de turista, bien porque ha ingresado con una visa de esa categorà ­a o bien sin visa, por ser ciudadano de un paà ­s incluido en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados,  tiene que saber que no sà ³lo es posible sino que es relativamente fà ¡cil.  Ã‚   En este artà ­culo se resuelven las dudas mà ¡s frecuentes,  desde tipo de propiedad a cà ³mo financiar la compra y cà ³mo entender correctamente las opciones migratorias reales para obtener una tarjeta de residencia permanente en Estados Unidos por inversià ³n en un bien raà ­z. 1.- ¿Quà © tipo de inmuebles  se pueden comprar en EE.UU.  con estatus de turista? Casas, fincas rà ºsticas y condominios, conocidos estos à ºltimos popularmente como condos. En cuando a los  apartamentos en rà ©gimen de  co-ops, es mà ¡s complicado adquirirlos, a menos que se trate de cooperativas que se administran siguiendo reglas de los condos. La razà ³n del problema radica en  que para comprar un co-op es necesario, como regla general, tener los ingresos y la mayorà ­a del patrimonio en Estados Unidos, requisito que no se da en la mayorà ­a de los casos de turistas extranjeros temporalmente en el paà ­s. 2.- ¿Se necesita tener todo el dinero en efectivo o asegurar financiacià ³n en el paà ­s de origen? No, ni lo uno ni lo otro. Los bancos de Estados Unidos pueden financiar siempre y cuando se adelante un porcentaje importante en concepto de pago inicial, conocido en inglà ©s como  down payment. El porcentaje puede variar de banco a banco y, tambià ©n, de estado a estado. Por ejemplo, en la ciudad de Nueva York puede ser necesario abonar el 30 por ciento, en Miami el 50 y en zonas de Texas entre el 25 y el 30 por ciento pero estas cantidades pueden variar segà ºn las circunstancias de cada caso. Ademà ¡s, los bancos que financian suelen exigir garantà ­as adicionales como un depà ³sito suficiente para cubrir todos los pagos de la hipoteca de un aà ±o, mà ¡s seguros y gastos del inmueble. Tambià ©n se debe tener en cuenta que dentro de Estados Unidos hay una gran diferencia entre estados en lo que se paga como impuesto a las ventas de bienes y servicios  e incluso condados y municipalidades. Este es un dato importante ya que puede suponer un importante gasto con el que no se contaba. 3.- ¿Cuà ¡l es la mejor forma de encontrar una vivienda para comprar? Contratando a un agente inmobiliario, conocido en inglà ©s como broker. La gran ventaja para el comprador es que no va a pagarle por sus servicios ya que la comisià ³n corre de cuenta del vendedor. Si à ©ste cuenta con su propio broker, en el momento de la venta los dos agentes se dividirà ¡n entre ellos las ganancias por sus servicios de intermediario. Ademà ¡s, si necesitas financiacià ³n el broker puede ponerte en contacto con el banco con el que habitualmente trabajan. 4.- ¿Cuà ¡nto tiempo puede demorarse la tramitacià ³n de la compra? Una vez que has encontrado el inmueble que deseas comprar, la tramitacià ³n del cierre de la operacià ³n puede hacerse en tan poco como 30 dà ­as. No es necesario estar presente en Estados Unidos durante toda la tramitacià ³n, ya que puedes otorgar un poder notarial, conocido en inglà ©s como  power of attorney,  a un representante. 5.- ¿Puede  girarse todo el dinero que quiera a EEE.UU. para comprar bienes raà ­ces? Desde el punto de vista de USA, sà ­. Si bien las autoridades estudian la procedencia y legalidad del dinero. Ademà ¡s, debe cumplirse con todas las obligaciones impuestas por el paà ­s de origen del comprador  para transferencias internacionales de dinero y pago de impuestos. 6.- ¿Hay que pagar impuestos por la propiedad que se compra en Estados Unidos? Si se  vende y se gana con la operacià ³n, hay que pagar el impuesto correspondiente. En cuanto al porcentaje va a depender del tipo de acuerdo fiscal entre el paà ­s del comprador y Estados Unidos, si es que hay  alguno firmado. Tambià ©n es posible no pagar si con la venta se financia la compra de una nueva propiedad. Por el contrario, si la vivienda se dedica a alquiler, es necesario   declarar impuestos anualmente en la forma de income tax en EE.UU. Para ello, si no se tiene un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social emitido por las autoridades de Estados Unidos, debe sacarse un nà ºmero fiscal que se conoce como  un ITIN. Es conveniente informarse con un fiscalista porque si se està ¡ pagando hipoteca es posible que no exista la obligacià ³n de pagar  durante al menos los diez primeros aà ±os siguientes a la compra. En todo caso, aunque no existiera la obligacià ³n de pagar, sà ­ que hay la de hacer la declaracià ³n de impuestos y presentarla anualmente el 15 de abril o antes. 7.- ¿Por quà © es recomendable crear una sociedad que figure como propietaria del inmueble? Para evitar pagar impuesto de sucesià ³n cuando fallece el propietario de la vivienda, que puede ser muy alto. Pero si el propietario es una LLC, es decir, una  sociedad limitada,  de la que se es accionista junto con una Corporacià ³n Extranjera, en inglà ©s conocida como  Foreign Corporation, entonces despuà ©s del fallecimiento del propietario los herederos no tienen que pagar nada por recibir ese inmueble. Es muy conveniente tratar este asunto con un abogado especialista en este tipo de asuntos. 8.- ¿Puede obtenerse la  tarjeta de residencia por comprar una propiedad en EE.UU.? No, la compra de un inmueble, aunque sea muy caro, no està ¡ contemplado en la actualidad como uno de los caminos para obtener la residencia permanente, tambià ©n conocida como green card o tarjeta verde.   Sin embargo, sà ­ que es posible sacar la green card con una inversià ³n a travà ©s del programa EB-5, pero implica muchas mà ¡s cosas y no una simple compra de uno o varios inmuebles, por muy caros que estos sean. Tampoco sirve una mera inversià ³n inmobiliaria  como base para poder solicitar con à ©xito la visa E-2 de inversià ³n. Sin embargo, si se convierte en negocio a dicha inversià ³n, entonces podrà ­a servir. En todo caso, los turistas que son propietarios de una vivienda en Estados Unidos  no pueden trabajar ni permanecer continuamente en Estados Unidos y deben respetar su condicià ³n migratoria para evitar una cancelacià ³n de la visa. Por ejemplo, no se puede ser una carga pà ºblica. Eso quiere decir, entre otras cosas, que hay que pagar las facturas mà ©dicas y  no enviar a los hijos con una visa de turista a estudiar a una escuela de primaria o secundaria pà ºblica. Si desean estudiar, deben obtener una visa F-1 de estudiante. Estar en Estados Unidos con la visa incorrecta puede dar lugar a la revocacià ³n de la que se tiene e, incluso, a la cancelacià ³n de la visa de los padres que consienten una violacià ³n migratoria. 9.-Origen de los extranjeros que compran propiedades en Estados Unidos En un sà ³lo aà ±o, los turistas extranjeros invirtieron $82,5 billones (mil millones) en propiedades en Estados Unidos, comprando, principalmente,  Ã‚  en los estados de Florida, California, Nueva York, Texas y Arizona. Los extranjeros que efectuaron  mà ¡s compras fueron los canadienses, que prefieren comprar en Arizona y Texas, seguidos de los chinos, si bien los rusos son los que hacen las compras mà ¡s caras. Argentinos, colombianos, venezolanos y brasileà ±os destacan tambià ©n entre los grandes compradores, siendo Florida el estado donde mà ¡s invierten. Consejos para disfrutar Estados Unidos como turista Estados Unidos es el segundo paà ­s del mundo que recibe mà ¡s turistas, sà ³lo sobrepasado por Francia. Sin embargo, es el paà ­s donde los turistas gastan mà ¡s dinero en compras. Para los turistas que disfrutan comprando ropa y accesorios de marca,  las sample sales para comprar a precios rebajados  en Nueva York son un destino a tener en cuenta. Por el contrario, para los que quieren disfrutar de las grandes atracciones de Estados Unidos, estas son las 10 mà ¡s visitadas. De interà ©s migratorio para todos los turistas Estas  20 causas que pueden dar lugar a que la visa no se apruebe o no se renueve  e, incluso, a que al llegar al control migratorio sirven de base para que el oficial de Inmigracià ³n niegue el ingreso del turista extranjero a los Estados Unidos. Desde el punto de vista migratorio, el principal consejo es evitar problemas. Para ello se recomienda tomar este  test de respuestas mà ºltiples. Frecuentemente, los  grandes problemas migratorios y en el paso de aduanas tienen su origen en ignorancias pequeà ±as. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Alkanes and Alkenes - 802 Words

Exercise 5 Comparing the Reaction Rates of Alkanes and Alkenes Group # 4 Members: Pangan, Sam Margarette Perales, Angelica Ibay, Sophia Irigan, Sharien May Sorensen, John Antonio Ocan, Emmanuel Submitted to: Ms. Ginalyn Cuenca Mr. Neil Abreo Date: December 6, 2012 Introduction Alkanes are hydrocarbons with only single bonds between the atoms. Saturated hydrocarbon is the other term for it. They are used as fuels because they are non-reactive and also do not conduct electricity. For this reason they do not form hydrogen bonds and are insoluble in solvents such as water while alkenes are hydrocarbons that contain at least one carbon-to-carbon double bond. Unsaturated hydrocarbons are the other term for alkenes.†¦show more content†¦The butter and lard din not mixed well with the potassium permanganate (KMnO4) and has some unmixed reactant which was at the bottom of the test tubes. Others, such as canola oil, coconut oil, linseed oil, castor oil, corn oil, and margarine has reactions as seen at table 1. Discussion Table 2: Identified Samples Samples | Saturated/Unsaturated | Alkanes/Alkenes | | | | Lard | Saturated | Alkanes | Butter | Saturated | Alkanes | Margarine | Saturated | Alkanes | Coconut Oil | Saturated | Alkanes | Canola Oil | Unsaturated | Alkenes | Linseed Oil | Unsaturated | Alkenes | Corn Oil | Unsaturated | Alkenes | Castor Oil | Unsaturated | Alkenes | Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) discharges its color to the samples if it is unsaturated fat, however some have special cases like margarine and coconut oil. Alkanes are not reactant with most reagentsbecause they have good orbital overlap, and their C-C and C-H bonds are strong. Alkane is not acidic nor basic due to the C-H bond and theShow MoreRelatedAlkenes and Alkynes in Hyrdicarbons861 Words   |  3 PagesAlkenes and Alkynes are two other types of hydrocarbons. The difference between them is that alkenes contain less hydrogen, carbon-carbon, than the alkanes do. The carbon atoms are joined by double bonds to account for this difference. The alkenes structure is used to distinguish the feature of the carbon-carbon double bond. Alkynes have an even smaller size of hydrogen than the alkenes. Three pairs of electrons are shared by the carbon atoms to account for this difference. They are joined by tripleRead MoreOrganic Chemistry2210 Words   |  9 Pagesnot get to see or realize that where n how we having our life much easier than it used to be. In these writing assignments, the topic is about the organic chemistry. In organic chemistry, we all have different kinds of compounds. In addition, alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes are the parts of the organic and inorganic compounds. We also can learn about the structural formula they all have in different form. Polymerization is another type of chemical reaction that we get to know. There is also a differenceRead MoreLab Report On Methylcyclohexene1541 Words   |  7 Pagescontaining the carbocation is then attacked by a nucleophile and the hydrogen is then taken away. When the bond between carbon and hydrogen is broken, electrons are released and form a double bond with the carbocation. This results in the formation of an Alkene. IR spectroscopy is a technique in which gives structures of molecules in solution by showing important peaks on the spectroscopy. These peaks represent the functional groups of the molecule. These functional groups can further be analyzed to determineRead More Crude Oil Essay809 Words   |  4 Pagestrapped in sediments were converted by heat and pressure into crude oil. The most abundant of these mixtures are the ones containing hydrogen and carbon only. These hydrocarbons can take on a number of different forms, i.e. alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. They vary in size and shape and viscosity. By manipulating these chains of hydrocarbons you can create any number of useful substances as they are very adaptable. However there are lots of compounds that also containRead MoreDistillation and Strong C-h Stretch Essay example1106 Words   |  5 Pages | |3024 |Sharp |Strong |C-H Stretch (Alkene) | |2921 |Sharp |Strong |C-H Stretch (Alkane) | |2825 |Sharp |Strong |C-H Stretch (Alkane) | |1657 |Sharp |Medium Read MoreChemistry2892 Words   |  12 Pagesthe distillation of crude oil contains hydrocarbons in the C15 to C19 range. These hydrocarbons can be cracked by strong heating. (i) Write the molecular formula for the alkane with 19 carbon atoms. (ii) Name the type of reaction involved in cracking. (iii) Write an equation for one possible cracking reaction of the alkane C16H34 when the products include ethene and propene in the molar ratio 2:1 and only one other compound. (4) (Total 6 marks) 2. A compound of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogenRead MoreBromination Of E-Stilbene Lab Report1031 Words   |  5 Pages Bromination of E-Stilbene Kelly Marroquin Fall 2017 Lab Section: 353-01 Lab Partner: Seon Lee Abstract: The bromination of the alkane was calculated and the overall percent yield was 96.35% with the percent yield with the calculated theoretical yield was 79.85%. The addition reaction was synthesized with a mechanism using 3 steps. The E-Stilbene reacted with pyridinium hydromide perbromide to form the pure (1R, 2S)-stilbene dibromide. One of the two diastereomeric productsRead MoreExperiment: Testing The Heat of Combustion and The Energy Required to Combust Alcohol549 Words   |  3 Pageswas to do an experiment like this again I could use a different variable instead of alcohols. Instead I could investigate a chain of alkanes or alkenes, â€Å"in order to test alkenes I would have to look into the association double carbon bonds have with one another.†(Cox, J). â€Å"The ones that would be tested are methene, ethene, propene, butene and pentene. While the alkanes that could be tested include; methane, ethane, propane, butane and pentane.†(Maskill). By investigating th ese factors with the heatRead MoreInfrared Spectroscopy772 Words   |  4 Pagesgraphs of our 2 unknowns. C. We saw that our powder had an unpleasant smell was finely refined. We began to use the graphs printed of our unknowns to identify the spectra, we had to first identify the functional groups (such as alcohol, ketones, alkenes...). We then distinguished the major peaks in the graph and measured its wavelength, which is measured in inverse centimeters, by the numbers located on the bottom of the graph. It was very critical to be exact with our measurements of wavelengthRead MoreClassification Tests for Hydrocarbons1410 Words   |  6 Pageshydrocarbons that contain only sigma bonds are called saturated hydrocarbons and those containing both sigma and pi bonds are called unsaturated hydrocarbon. Aliphatic hydrocarbons are divided into 3 classes: alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons that contain only carbon-carbon single bonds. Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons that contain at least one carbon-carbon double bond. Alkynes are unsaturated hydrocarbons that contain at least one carbon- carbon triple bond. Most hydrocarbons are colorless

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Key Element Makes Operations Organization †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Questions: What Is The Existing Communication Process Practiced In Coca Cola? What Are The Various Steps Taken By Coca-Cola To Maintain Effective Communication Channel? Are The Strategies Effective? What Can The Organization Do To Have A Better Communication Strategy? What Are The Problem Areas Of Coca-Cola? What Will Be The Most Effective Strategies That Could Be Suggested To Coca-Cola? Answers: Introducation Communication is the key element that makes the operations of any organization run smoothly. Every process in an organization requires proper communication Channel. For achieving the goals it is very important to see the effectiveness of the communication process of the organization. Often the problem in the communication channel causes a lot of dissatisfaction between the employees and the customers. Coca-Cola is an American company for non- alcoholic beverages, concentrates and syrups. The company manufactures retails and even does the marketing of the products of Coca-Cola. The head quarter of Coca-cola is in Atlanta, Georgia. Coca-Cola acquired a few companies like the minute maid, Thumbs up and Barq. James Queinecy is the Chief Executive Officer of Coca-cola. The communication channel of the organization is not strong and it has been creating a number of issues. Research Aims Coca cola is an old and well renowned brand, but less is known about the communication strategy that is being used by Coca-cola. The aim is the research is to study the existing communication strategies of Coca-cola. The readers will know about the methods and steps taken by Coca-Cola to maintain an effective communication channel with its employees, suppliers, public, customers and all the stakeholders. Whether there is any requirement for improvising the present communication channel. The research will let the readers know about the different strategies that will be helpful for the organization to have an effective communication channel. Problem Statement Coca-cola is facing a very tough competition from its industry rivals. The strategies of the company do not seem to have been influential. The communication channel to communicate with the public and the customers are not effective enough. The sales of the organization are dropping and it is being suspected that the reason is that company is not being able to communicate effectively with its customers and public. The communication strategies that are used by the organization are not effective. Rationale of the study There are serious issues with the communication methods used by the company, a proper research is needed to be conducted to find out the various problem areas. After identifying the problem through research the solutions are also required to be found out. The communication problem of company calls for the need of implementing certain strategies that will be helpful for strengthening the process of the company. The reason the research was conducted because there was a need for identifying the issues with the organization so that effective measurers can be taken so that all the communication issues of the organization can be resolved (Best Kahn, 2014). The research hypothesis is that effectiveness of any organization to a great extent depends upon the communication channel and the strategies that the company implements. Organizations where there is good and effective communication channel and the process is also excellent, that organization shows positive results. Coca-Cola is an example where the communication is not effective and hence there are issues in the operational as well as marketing process of the organization. The following report is based on the communication process of Coca-Cola. In the researches Coca-cola has found out certain issues, from the researches it was found out that the communication channel of coca-cola is not very effective. The following report contains a brief discussion on the existing communication process of Coca-Cola. The report also includes discussion on what are the problem areas of Coca-cola, and the strategies that will be most suited for the company for maintain an effective communication channel Coca-Cola is an American company that is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia and incorporated in Wilmington, Delaware, the company manufactures, maintains retails and does the marketing of non-alcoholic beverages of Coca-cola. The company was invented by a pharmaceutical practitioner in the year, 1886 whose name was John Stith Pemberton in Columbus. The sales of the company are not the way it used to be, serious concerns have been risen regarding the sales of Coca-cola. The main reason behind the poor performance of the organization is considered to be the communication process of the organization which is not that much effective (Kaul, 2014). Communication process of Coca-Cola The communication process used by Coca-Cola is good but there are certain issues that often create problem for the organization especially the there have been instances where the communication with the customers have become the reason for conflict. For maintaining effective communication channel in the organization the organization uses mostly written communication. Employees are communicated about the policies of the organization through circulars, notices, handouts and mails. Video conferencing and other advanced technologies are also used by the organization for conducting long distance meeting and conferences. To communicate with the suppliers the organization mostly uses business letters. Suppliers are also being communicated through phone calls, the orders are given through phone and later confirmed through mail. Coca-Cola communicates with its customers through emails, cold calls and face to face communication is used. Through various press releases Coca-Cola communicates to the public. For advertising and promotional activities the company mostly uses televisions, radios and billboards (Huseman, Lahiff Penrose, 2014). Problems with the existing communication process Coca-Cola mostly uses written communication for its employees, and oral communication is very less used. Written communication is a long process and often one has to wait for feedback to understand that the message was delivered. There is very less face to face interaction with the employees, it is very important to have face to face interaction with the employees. Press releases are not quite often. Advertising strategies that are used by the organization are not effective; the advertisements are not interesting and attractive enough to create the interest of the company. There are too much repetitions and same type of advertisements are shown to the public (Cooper, Schindler Sun, 2016). The media selection for the advertisement is also very less as there is very less use of print media tools for advertising. The company does not use tools like flyers, brochures for advertisements. Which needs to used on regular basis. The promotional activities of the organization are also not very effective. The employees of Coca-Cola since are mostly communicated through written communication there is very less occasions where the employees are motivated or where there morale is boosted. Aggressive marketing strategies are not used like other FMCG companies use. Website of the organization has not been developed and hence it has been ineffective in being the platform for interaction with the public (Munro et al., 2015). Strategies Coca-Cola should also use oral communication at other occasions also and not just during the operations. There are several benefits of oral communication, it is fast and more influencing and one do not have to wait for feedback. More and more face to face interactions should be done so that the problems of the customers are resolved their grievances are heard. The website of Coca-Cola should be improved so that it can be useful for the customers to interact with the organization. The advertising strategies of the company are not effective enough and tools like flyers and brochure should be used more. Aggressive advertising strategies are needed to be implemented. The company needs to use flyers and brochures for interacting with the public and customers; it can be used for both advertising and promotional activities (Chaney Martin, 2013). Press releases should be quite often so that the organization maintains a communication channel with the public as well. Magazines should be used for communicating with public and customers. There has to be more and more use of written communication, while communicating with the public and the customers. The advertisements should be made interesting and the advertising team needs to be more creative while making advertisements. The same theme should not be used for advertising rather new theme can be introduced. It is very important to maintain proper communication with the suppliers as well, the organization needs to communicate to its suppliers on regular basis and try to maintain a healthy communication channel. Newsletters should be given to the regular customers and the organization should focus on maintaining a Customer relationship management. Conclusion It can be concluded that the communication process Coca-Cola needs to be improved. The existing communication process of the company is not effective enough as there were many issues addressed. The organization uses mostly written communication for interacting with the employees but they should also use oral communication. Oral communication saves a lot of time and the feedback in oral communication is also very fast. Communication with customers is very important but it has been observed that advertising strategies of the organization and poor so there is need for implementing proper strategies for advertising. The advertisements are of same theme and they lack creativity, so the company needs to make advertisements that can effectively influence the customers and the public. The public relation activities and the promotional activities are needed to be carried out quite often and then only the organization can have effective communication channel. References Best, J. W., Kahn, J. V. (2014).Research in education. Pearson Higher Ed. Chaney, L., Martin, J. (2013). Intercultural business communication. Pearson Higher Ed. Cooper, D. R., Schindler, P. S., Sun, J. (2016).Business research methods(Vol. 9). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. DiSanza, J. R., Legge, N. J. (2016).Business and professional communication: Plans, processes, and performance. Pearson. Huseman, R. C., Lahiff, J. M., Penrose, J. M. (201).Business communication: Strategies and skills. Harcourt School. Johnson-Sheehan, R. (2017). Technical management strategies for today. Pearson. Kaul, A. (2014).Effective business communication. PH0I Learning Pvt. Ltd.. Munro, M., Munro, A., Lemmer, K., Pretorius, M. (2015). Theatre strategies to develop emotional intelligence skills in business communication: An exploratory study.Southern African Business Review,19(2), 1-26.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Types Of Tenders And Tendering Process Construction Essay Example For Students

Types Of Tenders And Tendering Process Construction Essay A stamp can be said as an offer to make work or provide goods at a fixed monetary value. Originating measure of a tendering procedure in which qualified contractors are invited to subject certain commands for building or for supply of specific and clearly defined goods or services during a specified timeframe. The stamp procedure is designed to guarantee that the work to be done for client/government is given out in a just manner. For illustration in Malaysia, there are a figure of policies known as procurance policies which guide authorities of Malaysia on how to do determinations on which stamp to accept. Although monetary value is really of import in the determination on which stamp or command to accept, it is non the lone factor taken into history. We will write a custom essay on Types Of Tenders And Tendering Process Construction specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Once client/government accepts a stamp, it is adhering on both parties. This means that the individual or company that won the stamp has to supply the goods or services in the mode agreed to and at the monetary value offered, and client/government must pay the in agreement monetary value at the in agreement clip. In other words, one time accepted, a stamp is a binding contract. 2.2 Types of tendering When talk about tendering, it is involved some sort of complicated procedure and process. Before any tendering procedure can be done, professional squad and employer must do certain all necessary stamp paperss have been prepared, checkered and approved. The beginning of the support besides must hold been identified and the undertaking funding put in topographic point. The processs for subsequent phases should hold been established with the express consent of the employer to guarantee the tendering procedure will travel swimmingly. What types of tendering that employer want to take is depends on nature of contract, complexness of the building, expertness needed and several grounds. But normally for the authorities undertaking all over the universe, is tend to do unfastened stamp to guarantee the procurance and works to be done in reasonably mode without bias. As the research worker reference before, unfastened stamp is one of the types of tendering that normally used in this universe. Actually there are several types of stamp including unfastened stamp, selective stamp, negotiated stamp, consecutive stamp and term tendering. 2.2.1 Open stamp Open tendering is the chief tendering processs employed by both the authorities and private sector. The client advertises the stamp offer in the local newspaper giving item and cardinal information of the proposed plants and ask foring interested contractor to tender. In the legal sense such stamp notices constitute invitation to handle, a mere petition by the employer for suited contractor to subject their commands or offers. If the pre-requisite to tendering on the signifier of ownership of the necessary enrollment has been identified in the stamp notice, so the advertizement is directed to merely that peculiar category of the public holding the said makings. In order to cut down figure of questions, earnest money is deposited ( for private undertaking ) . Until the reception of a bone fide stamp selected so it will be returned. Although monetary value is really of import in the determination on which stamp or command to accept, it is non the lone factor taken into history. Client does non adhere to accept the lowest or any offer. The advantages and disadvantages of unfastened stamp are stated below: Advantages Disadvantages It allows any interested contractor to tender. Therefore it gives chance for an unknown contractor to vie for the work. The stamp list can be long as excessively many contractors tendering for one occupation. Leting the stamp list to be made without prejudice. Client will obtain the deal possible. No favoritism in choosing contractors. Uneconomic usage of beginning. Guaranting good competition non obliged to accept any offers. Public answerability may be questioned if the lowest offer is non accepted. Traditional method of tendering, familiar to all sector of the technology and building industry. Does non pull reputable and established contractor unless they are forced to, due to miss of work. Selective stamp Selective tendering is the one options developed to turn to the restrictions of the unfastened tendering process. In this method, a short list of contractor is drawn up and they are invited to subject stamps. The intent of the elected tendering are to better the quality of the commands received, to guarantee that contractors with the necessary experience and competency are given the chance to subject the necessary commands, due to urgency work involved, for specific grounds of the employer, eg security grounds in authorities undertakings. etc. and to do the tendering process more manageable and less a load on the parties involved. Such list may be prepared through recommendation from the Client s professional advisor whom have knowledge of the Contractors set abouting the work in the yesteryear or advertizement through the newspaper ( prequalification ) . The advantages and disadvantages of the selective tendering are stated below. Advantages Disadvantages Merely the competent contactors were invited to tender, so the lowest can be accepted. Reduces the handiness of work for other contractors particularly new contractors. It reduced the cost of tendering ( economic usage of resources, reduced stamp certification, shorter stamp periods, better direction of the stamp procedure, etc. ) Tender Price may constantly higher than would hold been in unfastened tendering. Greater opportunity of collusion. Tendering period longer because it involved two distinguishable phases. Favoritisms may happen in the short listing. Two Stage Selective Tender .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779 , .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779 .postImageUrl , .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779 , .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779:hover , .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779:visited , .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779:active { border:0!important; } .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779:active , .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779 .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u976055ca03f3c55f1c20d6782dd4d779:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Decartes meditations EssayTwo phase selective tendering combined elements of competition and dialogue into a expression where the employer could use the contractor s expertness at an early phase of the undertaking rhythm so as to maximise invention, inventiveness and quality and at the same time optimize cost, clip and resource input. A contractor is selected competitively early in the design procedure. The stamp paperss contain about measures of the major value points. As design and planning proceed, the concluding stamp is developed from cost and priced informations supplied with the initial stamp. Two phase selective tendering was really popular in developed states. It was different from selective tendering because has two ( 2 ) distinct phases viz. : Choice of suited contractor This involves the choice of a suited contractor and the constitution of a degree of pricing for subsequent dialogues. The aim is to choose suited contractor every bit early as possible is to work together with the professional squad and to set up a degree of pricing for subsequent dialogue. The standards for short listing is usually confined to points such as proficient and fiscal capableness, experience in similar plants and extent of resources ( work force, works and equipment ) . The pricing papers should be flexible plenty to provide for accommodation of monetary value fluctuation for the period between two phases and the pricing of the 2nd phase. In choosing a suited campaigner, a footing for pricing the subsequent 2nd phase should be established consequently. Determination of Contract Price Once a suited contractor is selected, he will work together with the undertaking squad get down lending to the pre contract procedure in his capacity as indifferent but independent building expert. This contractor will lend the followers: Contribution as a Technical Advisor to the Design Process Practical Skills and Buildability Minimization of Project Delay During this phase, a dialogue to make an understanding on the concluding contract monetary value is undertaken and the pre contract procedure is perfected. If no understanding being reached, the employer has an option to abandon the tendering exercising and re-tender the plants utilizing any other tendering process. The application of two phase selective tendering might be appropriate where the plants are a really complicated nature, where at the clip of choice of the contractor, the magnitude of the work may non be known with sufficient certainty and where it is an indispensable pre-requisite for plants to be finished by an early completion day of the month. Table below are some advantages and disadvantage of two phases selective tendering. Advantages Disadvantages Benefit of the contractor s expertness in buildability, specializer cognition in proprietry systems, undertaking programming, etc ensuing in value for money. Its application requires a high degree of acquaintance and committedness on the portion of employers and contractors. Early beginning of work at site even when the magnitude of the plants is non known with sufficient certainty at the clip of site ownership. Owing to a comparatively smaller component of competition, but on the other manus higher dialogues content, the stamp procedure is comparatively more expensive and longer than other common processs. Savingss of clip due to the convergence of the design and tendering phase. Should the 2nd phase be deadlocked or result in no acceptable understanding being reached, the stamp procedure has to be initiated all over once more, albeit, through a different path. This incurs a clip and cost punishment to the undertaking as a whole. The process utilizes the best facets of both competition and dialogue to get at the most favorable agreement at an optimal steadfast monetary value before work commences. This procedures requires a high degree of committedness, unity and good religion on the portion of both sides which unhappily is normally deficient, therefore the evident failures encountered to day of the month. Since the contractor is portion of the undertaking squad at a really phase of the undertaking, this consequences in better communicating and information flow. By and large there will be fewer claims and differences in the station contract award phase due to the contractor s engagement at the design / pre contract phase. Experience has shows that the contractor has a clearer apprehension of the demands and a better grasp of the elaboratenesss of the design and contract certifications. Negotiation Tender Negotiation tendering is extensively used in the technology and building industry get downing from tendering till difference declarations, i.e. under the manners of pre-contract dialogues and station contract dialogues. Normally with individual contractor but may be up to three contractors. Negotiation procedure involves are as follows: Designation by the employer of a suited contractor to negociate with. The contractor can be selected either from the employer s ain list of penchants or on the advice of the professional squad. The contractor being apprised of the workscope. The selected contractor is issued with inside informations such as the range of work involved, relevant drawings, design and /or information to enable him to appreciate the extents of duties and the employer s existent demands. Some employers prepare and issue to the contractor proper stamp paperss inclusive of a nominative measures of measures to help contractor in pricing the plants for the extroverted dialogues. Negotiations can be applied to the following type of contract: In Partnering type of contracts under the so called win-win expression. Where the employer has a long term concern relationship with the contractor. In state of affairss where the parties are in a relationships of keeping and subordinate companies. Where the contractor is involved in the funding of the undertaking. In state of affairss where the employer finds it advantages to use the same contractor to go on an initial or bing contract for the new plants .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711 , .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711 .postImageUrl , .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711 , .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711:hover , .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711:visited , .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711:active { border:0!important; } .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711:active , .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711 .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u110ccde9811e7a3b2953aa053f3af711:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Civil Disobedience EssayWhere there is a pressing demand to hold a really early start of work on the site and to finish the plants on a fast tract footing. In particular fortunes e.g. Security grounds, exigencies etc where it is expedient to procure the services of a peculiar contractor merely. Where there is merely a individual contractor who is the lone one available or with ether the particular accomplishment or resources to transport out the peculiar plants. The employer s resources are either limited or forced thereby doing the usage of the other tendering impractical. Advantages Disadvantages Merely reputable contractor are invited for dialogue. The cost work is likely higher than competitory stamp. The Contractor can lend his expertness during design phase. Reduces the handiness of work for other contractors. Early Beginning of work on site. It shortens the period involved in naming the contractor. Should the dialogues be dead end or turn out finally unsuccessful, this causes wastage of valuable resources on both sides and loss of clip for the employer, thereby detaining the overall choice of suited contractor. Reduce hazard of failure Best options for the employer to follow is particular fortunes such as exigencies, security grounds and etc. Experience has shows that contracts allow out this footing consequence in fewer differences and claims during the building phase. Term Tender Term tendering usually used on major care undertakings. It may be awarded to a contractor to cover a scope of different edifices in different locations. It is frequently limited to a fixed clip graduated table, although the demands of the client may frequently necessitate this to be extended. It is like a standing offer to set about a slackly defined extends of work normally within a fixed clip period. The type of work is normally specified and priced in a agenda of rates. The contractor will ab initio be offered the work to cover a figure of different trades normally on the footing of monetary values contained in a agenda prepared by the client.Where the client supplies the rates for the work, the contractors are given the option of citing a per centum add-on or tax write-off from these rates depending upon their desire to win the undertaking. The contractor offering the most advantageous per centum to the client will so be awarded the contract. An indicant of the sum of work expect ed over the specified period of clip will help the contractors in the consideration of the per centum to be quoted. 2.3 Conventional Tendering Procedure As the research worker mentioned before, this chapter will concentrate on conventional stamp while the following chapter will concentrate on electronic tendering. Therefore readers will see clearly background on conventional tendering and electronic tendering. Conventional tendering procedure will affect pre-tender phase, stamp advertizement phase, shutting of stamp, stamp gap procedure, stamp rating procedure and eventually tender award. 2.3.1 Pre-tender Phase At pre-tender phase, when the clients have an thought, client will name adviser to discourse further about the undertaking. Consultant will make their occupation, reding, pull offing the stamp and contract, and besides transfer the thought into the drawing. At this phase client and advisers will brainstorming about the range, clip to finish and budget that client willing to apportion. Researcher believes that pre-tender phase is most important affair because it will originate the following measure of a undertaking. If the pre-tender phase is failed, the undertaking will non successfully complete. 2.3.2 Tender Ad Tender advertizement besides called stamp notice. The conventional stamp notice will publicize in local newspaper. In stamp notice, basic demand should be looking are: Title of the undertaking. Class of contractor, caput and subhead needed. Location, day of the month, and clip to obtain the stamp papers. Fees for stamp papers. Location, day of the month and clip for entry of stamp physician. 2.3.3 Shutting of Tender In stamp notice will advert the clip and day of the month of stamp shutting procedure. If the contractors fail to subject their commands within specific clip and day of the month, it considers the contractors refuse to offer for the stamp. At that clip besides tender cogency period is started. At this period, contractors can retreat back their commands if they are no more interested to contend for the stamp. Consultant usage this period to do appraisal and rating each of the offers. 2.3.4 Tender Opening and Evaluation Process Measure surveyors normally will manage stamp gap procedure. In order to continue the unity of the competitory procedure, it is imperative that the rating of proposals is undertaken objectively, systematically and without bias towards peculiar providers. Tenders are normally evaluated against a pre-determined set of standards. The rating of the stamps shall be prepared the soonest possible after the stamp gap. A study prepared by the Quantity Surveyor will depict the findings of the said rating and it will be supported by tabular arraies and graphs. In the terminal, the Quantity Surveyor will urge which tenderer, who in his sentiment, is the most suited to set about to put to death the undertaking. 2.3.5 Tender Award An rating squad will analyze each stamp received and do recommendations as to which stamp represents best value for money. Once the contract has been awarded, both the successful and unsuccessful tenderers will be notified. Once the concluding determination has been made on the stamp award, the stamp decision maker creates the stamp consequences presentment which is in missive signifier, and so sent to all take parting contractors.